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Tuesday 2 April 2013

#86: How to Date a 'Stoner'

  1. Consider whether or not you really want the relationship. Though marijuana may not seem terrible, it can get you in major trouble with the law.
  2. 2
    THC is a mellow, mind-altering drug, so expect your partner to be giggly and hungry while under its effects. Or if he or she is stoned most of the time, they may be more serious or not as touchy when they're sober.
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    Try to get some marijuana-free time to spend by yourselves. Even if you don't have a problem with your partner while he or she is high.
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    It's likely your partner will have a group of smoking friends. Try your hardest to get along with them, because they will be like siblings to him/her. This is because friends are more important than the girl he just started dating.
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    Smoking is an individual choice that only you should make. Respect your partner's choices, but know that they are only trying to share something they love with you.
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    Make sure to make it clear that you want to be more important than marijuana. Good luck. A stoner, if s/he truly loves you, should be willing to give up smoking pot if s/he has to make a decision between getting stoned and being with you. This will however make him miss pot, and eventually get tired of you.
  7. 7
    As an addendum to #6, be aware that giving an ultimatum to someone who uses marijuana (i.e. "either stop smoking pot or we cannot be together") will often result in at least one, if not both parties being dissatisfied, angry, resentful, or frustrated. Compromise is often a solid foundation for relationship. To take a hard line stance, explicitly or implicitly, that your significant other shouldn't smoke pot because "Drugs are NEVER good" will generally have a polarizing effect on the relationship.(This is because of how much drugs rock.) Be aware that when you choose to date someone, you are choosing to accept (and possibly love) the entire package that is that person, including their drug use if they should so choose.
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    To discredit both 7 and 8: Never expect your partner to change themselves for you. Stoners are generally relaxed people who feel best when they are around a more passive crowd. So, if you come into your partner's laid-back environment and tell them they will lose you if they don't quit, you will be unintentionally labeled by them and their friends as a complete "buzz-kill". The point being that if you don't want to love a toker, don't start dating one.

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