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Tuesday 2 April 2013

#88: How to Study when You're High

  • 1
    Get caffeinated. The best thing you can do to get rid of that nasty grogginess brought upon by marijuana is to get energy. You can achieve this artificially by drinking a 5 hour energy, coffee, tea, energy drink, or soda. Try taking medication or chugging one of those sources, and then having a soda or energy drink to keep you going.

  • 2
    Have a twenty minute power nap. After you chug, go and sleep for a little bit. Make sure your alarm is set for 20-60 minutes but no longer. This will make your mind crisper so you can take a fresh look at your homework. Also, the energy will already have kicked in from the caffeine, so you will be up and ready to go!

  • 3
    Go to a desk. You need someplace good to study effectively. If you are on a couch or in your bed, the likelihood of you not studying increases tenfold. The library or just a desk that is organized will help you get into the "study" mindset.

  • 4
    Keep yourself going. Focus is not the issue when you are high. You can focus on one definition for an hour! So what you will want to do is keep your mind from dwelling. You want to understand it, but you also want to understand everything. So, play upbeat music and take everything in small short steps. For example, instead of spending an hour studying the Oedipus complex and whether is actually real, learn the definition of it, whose idea it was, and move on to the Electra complex, then onto other things. Dwelling is a bad thing while studying, high or sober, but it is much more likely to happen high.

  • 5
    Set a time limit. If you are studying chapters 4-7 give yourself an hour to study each one, but no longer. If you don't complete the chapters as thoroughly as you wanted to, then give yourself an hour for two chapters, and if you still feel that way after, give yourself an hour for the four.

  • 6
    Avoid getting distracted. Don't do the following: go on the internet, draw, write down your "highdeas," eat, smoke a cigarette (it will become four), text, think about off topic things. You should be set.

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