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Saturday 19 April 2014

#139: Places to have a Cigarette

Here are some places and times when a cigarette is amazing:

When you are stressed or angry

I get angry... a lot. I sometimes wish certain people need to go run into trucks and die. Sometimes, it's just the work. Whenever happens, smoking a cigarette really calms me. Do try it out. If you are a smoker then you would agree with me, else u need to figure it out.

In Vegas

Vegas is an awsome place. I say this because I don’t had fun there. Its because it’s a little too crazy. Next time you are in Vegas, do whatever you want. Trust me, you haven’t seen shit til you have been there. Fucking awesome place! Anyways, the greatest thing about vegas is that you can smoke damn near anywhere. On the roulette table, as you are losing your ass because your “lucky number” hasn’t hit since last week. At the club, you can dance with a cigarette in your fucking mouth. Because if you did it in the cities where you live (outside of Las Vegas) you would get the shit kicked out of you by a security guard.

 After a meal.

Anyways, after a meal, a cigarette just hits the spot. I use it for digestion really. When I was a kid, if I ate too much (which was often) I would drink a 7up for digestion. But now, I got for the good old Marlboro. Don’t believe me? Try and then email me on how much of an genius I am afterwards.

While having a meal.

This is something you can experience at home . After all these healthy conscious nut jobs took over and bitched about how they hate cigarette smoke, most cities in this country have made it illegal to smoke at restaurants. But in certain spots in Korea Town, you still can. Blame it on the fact that Korean people don’t give a shit about the law or they can’t understand the language.

Underneath cover when raining

 When it does rain, I will find a random awning and light one up. I don’t even have an awning at my apartment. I will go drive til I find the nearest awning and light that bitch up. Maybe its just the mood. Whatever the case its awesome.

 While High

Already high but still can't get that KICK (so called) you want. light a cigarette and see the magic. GO ON and see for yourself, YO.

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